Apr 01, 2018 | Heather Ruffett | 2110 views
Just some information to make sure everyone is aware of the correct procedures to follow for obtaining any Forms for tryouts outside of Georgian Shores. Regardless of what type of tryout you are planning to attend, ALL PLAYERS MUST FIRST BE REGISTERED WITH GEORGIAN SHORES PRIOR TO ATTENDING ANY TRYOUTS.
Forms will be available on the GS website and online registration will be open at https://registration.hockeycanada.ca/registration/?ID=10927 Please make sure to indicate either by email (online registrations) or on the registration form if you are planning to play Local or Rep hockey this is the only way we know what teams may be available next season, and who may be eligible to receive a 1 year 3.5 release to play Rep at another centre if we are unable offer a GS team.
Specific Forms
Permission to Skate (PTS) available to any player wishing to tryout for their local AAA team (Highlanders). These forms are not required for spring hockey (Blue Thunder, etc). Forms will be emailed to you once registration is confirmed.
Non Resident Passport (NRP) Available to players Peewee age and older who wish to tryout at an A or AA level centre for a Rep team. You may only have 1 form. For example you cannot tryout in OS and then ask for another form for Orangeville or Barrie if you do not make the OS team. Forms are carbon copy and will be available for pickup or delivered if in town.
3.5 Release (valid for 1 year only) Available for players wishing to tryout for a Rep team in a division that Georgian Shores does not offer. The player must tryout at the next closest centre from their home address that offers the requested division (for our players normally Owen Sound, Collingwood, Flesherton). Once registrations are received a decision is made by the number of registrations in each division as well as the caliber of the players registered (as determined by discussion with Coaches, etc). Then a request is made to the OMHA to not ice a Rep team if that is the case. The OMHA representative is then given a list of current registered players at the time the decision is made and they will determine where a player is eligible to play. GS does not have any say on where a player is eligible to tryout under the 3.5
Completed forms will be emailed to eligible players. In order to make it fair to all players a decision on Bantam Rep will be made by April 20 to allow those eligible to tryout in Owen Sound the ability to do so.
If you have any questions on any of the forms offered or the procedure to obtain one please email [email protected]