Attention to all Members, News (Georgian Shores Minor Hockey)

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Nov 06, 2020 | Sarah Clarke | 752 views
Attention to all Members
Hello Georgian Shores!

This is a friendly reminder from your Executive that in order for our children to play hockey, we all need to put forth our best efforts to follow the rules and regulations of our Return to Play documents. All of the documents are on the website under the COVID tab.

Please note that while inside the arenas, we are all to wear a mask and practice social distancing, that includes all spectators out in the stands. 

We do not want to lose any privileges due to non-compliance.
Please, let's all do our best!!

Thank you!

Eagles Weed Control and Lawn Service
Using government approved environmentally safe products to manage weeds in turf which robs your grass of nutrients and to produce a safe and weed free lawn. Serving The Blue Mountains and surrounding areas. We provide services in Thornbury, Clarksburg, Meaford, Flesherton, Markdale, Collingwood and Wasaga Beach.
Meaford Kiwanis
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The Quench Buggy is a mobile water station for events designed to meet personal hydration needs. Multiple on-board fountains and spigots provide easy access to clean, cool, fresh potable water in any physical environment; from concerts and civic activities, to relief from natural events in remote locations.
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We are the marketing group for the largest sector of Ontario agriculture and are proudly owned and operated by Ontario's Dairy Farmers.
Thornbury Home Hardware Building Centre
Home Hardware Building Centres offer a complete range of both hardware store and building centre products. Lumber, tools, paint, plumbing and electrical supplies and an extensive selection of building materials are available, along with housewares, sporting goods, automotive items and lawn and garden supplies.