Mar 30, 2022 | Sarah Clarke | 981 views
Division Champions!!
Congratulations to our U9 Rep, U11 LL1, U11 LL2 & U18 LL Teams!
Well done players and coaches! What a great way to finish your seasons!
Clockwise from top left:
U9 Rep Team defeated Oro Thunder to win the Georgian Bay Minor Hockey League A Division Championship. Congratulations to this hardworking group of kids!
U11 LL Team 2 defeated the Coldwater Wildcats in Game 3 to win the GBTLL Group B Division Championship. Congratulations on a well played series!
U11 LL Team 1 swept the Shelburne Wolves to claim the GBTLL Group E Division Championship. Way to go team!
U18 LL Team swept the Coldwater Wildcats to claim the GBTLL Group B Division Championship. Well played team!