Jul 04, 2022 | Sarah Clarke | 1184 views
2022/23 Coaches
Hello Lightning Families!
Hope everyone had a great Canada Day weekend!
The Coaching Selection Committee has held their interviews for the upcoming season. Thank you to all who applied and took the time to attend the interviews. Thank you for volunteering all of your time! We are all looking forward to another fun season!
There are still come vacant positions, if you are interested, please complete the application and we will be in contact with you.
Welcome to:
U7: Jonas Brook
U8: Steve Burgess
U9: Vacant
U9: Vacant
U11 LL: Vacant
U11 Rep: Vacant
U13 LL: Vacant
U13 Rep: Shawna Wren
U15 Rep: Ian Bies
U18 Rep: Shawn Adams