Oct 28, 2022 | Sarah Clarke | 1196 views
Way to go Harrison!
Dear Georgian Shores Hockey Community,
As our season gets underway and the chaos begins I wanted to share with you a truly special moment that occurred in our hockey community recently. At times coaches, volunteers and parents need a little motivation and a reminder of what sport and hockey in particular can mean for our young athletes.
I’d like to take a moment to share a story with you that I found inspirational. Many of you know the Haney family. For those that do not, Harrison Haney (6 years old) spent most of 2021 in sick kids hospital in London battling Burkitt Lymphoma (lymphatic cancer). Harrison won this fight and is starting to get back to what a normal childhood should look like. It was with great joy that his family was able to sign him up for hockey this season. The Haney’s are a long time hockey family in our community, I personally played with AJ (Harrison’s Dad) and was coached by Harrison’s Grandpa, Bob. For the past few weeks Harrison has been improving his hockey skills and skating. He has shown a true love of the game. Wednesday night the big moment came and he scored his first goal! If you see Harrison around the rink, give him a thumbs up. His smile is infectious and I think it will brighten up your day.
Keep your stick on the ice, Ty Rennie